HOw we do it

clued up - the real story!

8 Days with clued up

Annual Report 2022 - 2023

External Evaluation of Clued Up - February 2024


“If you’ve got so much problems, a lot of organisations would try to address them all at one time. For me I couldn’t tackle my drug use until I got my housing sorted out. They take steps at a time and they add up to big things and that’s a lot more helpful in the long run”.

Young person

“I think they care about the young people. They want to help young people. They are there for them and it’s that listening ear sometimes, somebody who is not telling them 13 off or ranting, somebody who says, I am here to help, how can I help? And that is built up over a period of time, it is not something that happens straightaway. They have something special about them. They are not judgemental of me as a parent or my child as a young person. I have been judged by other services but that’s not the case here and it’s a nice thing”.


“I think if my child didn’t have [Clued Up worker] they’d be dead, if you want my honest opinion. If they didn’t have that contact, and the trust they have built then I don’t think they would be here. I can’t put it strongly enough, without their input I do not know where my child would be right now, I don’t know if they’d still be here…. The worker does as much for me as they do for my child. They go way above and beyond. I have no one else to talk to about this. It’s been good for me and good for my own mental health. I’d be lost without their support”.
